maine coon

Nessie Princes Star

Nessie Pedigree Exhibitions Photogallery


Nessie Princes Star is born on 10.11.2013 in the breeding kennel near to Česká Lípa. On the day we went to Česká Lípa to look at her, we immediately fell in love. She comes from an environment where cats are welcomed members of the household, they are free to move and thus well socialized. In February we took her to our home to Prague. It took about a week until she got used to our cats, consisting of three foundlings - Kaspar cat, cats Minnie and Tyna.

Nessie - smallBut inbetween she has a leading position in the team, did not do so by force, even to wash, but a natural authority.

She is not even afraid of our dog friends, Tedík and Julínka. Controversial, Julinka (a pretty big berger de brie) is a little afraid of her.

In early June, we decided to build an outdoor home for the cats at our cottage on Orlik, which we did. We spend the whole summer here and Nessie found a beautiful place on the trunk of the tree, where she is able to fall asleep.



We are a small breeding kennel from Czech Republic, founded in 2014. Prior to that had been proud owners of numerous cats that we had found wondering around the streets.
We have a lot of experience with breeding especially since we have own cattery of berger de dogs. We have been very successful at many of the international and national exhibitions. However, the character and comfort of our animals is of the greatest value to us. They have always been and will be part of our family and have a strong bond with all member of our family including children and other animals.


The breeding of the cats Fluffy Hearts
Veronika and Jaroslav Mallat, Hřebeny 32, 262 56 Milešov
tel.: +420 774 073 339, e-mail: [javascript protected email address], [javascript protected email address]